The communicative modus operandi of online child sexual groomers - Recurring patterns in their language use

Grooming of children online is a legally punishable form of child sexual abuse. In the UK, for instance, the Serious Crime Act makes it a criminal offence for an adult to send a sexual message to a child. The incidence of this offence is known to be …

'Linguistics and Digital Environments', radio interview

The role of linguistics in 2019 - humans and AI.

Digital identities and trust in extra-judicial environments - a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies approach

The presentation will discuss the use of Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) as an interdisciplinary methodology in order to explore how identity of individuals and groups is generated in digital environments, with a focus on how trust is …

Modena Ovest Pavillion opening

On December 17th Modena Ovest Pavillion opens its doors and launches its activities.

Modena Ovest Pavillion wins the Creative Living Lab prize

The project, developed by CivicWise Italia, Collettivo Amigdala, IMAGONIRMIA, Architetti Di Strada e Insieme in Quartiere per la Città, is among the winners of the MiBAC prize.

AFOr wins the 'Memoria del Novecento' grant

For the second year in a row, Archivio delle Fonti Orali del Villaggio Artigiano di Modena Ovest is .

Storia orale e democrazia - il contributo dell'AISO alla Public History

Un resoconto del panel AISO alla conferenza AIPH 2019.

Doing cyber-trust outside the law - A linguistic approach

In this presentation we will describe a research programme that uses Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) as an interdisciplinary methodology in order to explore how individuals and groups generate trust in digital environments that operate extra-judicially. Two case studies are selected to this end: selling drugs in the Dark Net and sexually grooming children online. Whilst clearly different in terms of the illegal activities performed, both contexts centrally involve attempts at generating trust discursively.

Digital trust, drugs and the extreme far right - Too much for CADS?

In this presentation we will describe a research programme that uses CADS as an interdisciplinary methodology in order to explore one of the most widely debated and complex questions of our digital society: how do individuals and groups seek to …

Relazione tra spazio e memoria - Villaggio Artigiano di Modena Ovest

Quanto è inscindibile il racconto della propria vita dal luogo in cui essa è (stata) vissuta? Da questa domanda trae spunto la ricerca effettuata sul Villaggio Artigiano di Modena Ovest, primo esempio in Italia di tale modello. Frutto dell’intuizione …