
Networks of virtual relationships - promotion of the system of innovation poles in the web space

In analysing and modelling the Tuscany regional system of innovation “poles”, we first analysed the network of agents in which the poles were engaged in the three years of their start-up phase of activity. By examining systematically all available information on websites we then focused on two objectives: (i) to analyse the variety of language and content that characterize the poles in their online activities; (ii) to examine the extent poles refer to the same institutions, enterprises, organizations, projects, and among these, organizations / or activities directly related to them (such as the companies managing the poles laboratories, incubators, the adherents), what we can call their “virtual network”. - Analisi e modellizzazione dei Poli di innovazione in Toscana

Using language-analysis to evaluate how industrial poles promoted themselves.

Promozione del sistema dei poli di innovazione nello spazio web: analisi dei contenuti e delle reti di relazioni virtuali

Abstract In analysing and modelling the Tuscany regional system of innovation poles (, we examine systematically available information on websites with two objectives: (i) to analyze the variety of language and content that characterize the poles in their online activities; (ii) examine the extent poles refer to the same institutions, enterprises, organizations, projects, and among these, organizations / or activities directly related to the (such as the companies managing the poles laboratories, incubators, the adherents ).